Saturday, August 16, 2008

Chapter 13 When I lean over and spill, what happens?

Here's the next chapter. My apologies for it being late.

This site is painfully neglected, but the chapter titles do still spark something interesting.
You've got a cup, when you lean over and spill what happens?
How far did you have to lean to get something to spill?


Glenda said...

What happens when I lean over and spill? Usually I get mad at myself for not being more careful. Then I remind myself that everyone makes mistakes and that there is only one that is perfect, and I am not that person. My goal is to be more like Him, to have Him live in me so much so that the world can't help but either come to the light or shrink back into the darkness. I hope that the next time I spill that there is someone there that really needs to hear what has dribbled onto the floor. :o)

Anonymous said...

You write very well.

Sistahs After God's Heart said...

When I spill, I stare at the mess for a moment. I see it there, but it takes me a minute to realize I ACTULLY SPILLED THIS! Why did I spill it? What could have been done to avoid the spill, etc?

Afterward, I quickly look for something to clean the spill up with. Especially if the spill is now gradually spreading out. So, I grab some napkins, or whatever is handy, and quickly try to clean the mess. I keep in the back of mind that I made that mess and it is up to me to clean it up!